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The mission of the Davis Public Library is to promote community, civic engagement, life-long learning and fun for all through a variety of innovative physical and digital resources, programs and services. Â
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Library closed 2/13/25 due to weather
Library Hours
Mondays 3-7
Tuesdays 1-5
Wednesday 1-5
Thursdays 10-5
Fridays 3-7
Saturdays 10-2
closed on Juneteenth, Memorial Day, Labor Day, Indigenous Peoples' Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas.
What are you looking for?
Books & Beyond
Search our catalog for books, Graphic Novels, DVD's, audiobooks, and more! Our catalog shows our physical AND electronic collections.
Digital & Streaming Resources
Did you know you have access to thousands of electronic books, audiobooks, movies, shows, adult education courses and more? Check out the Apps!
InterLibrary Loan
If it's not in our collections, it's probably in this state. Place a reserve in the statewide catalog and get another NH library item sent here for you!
Public computers & wi-fi, printer/copying/scanning, ipads, assistance for the visually impaired MakerSpace Materials, and more!